Time for a Change
When do you know the time is right for a new ERP System?
13 September, 2022 by
Time for a Change
OYBI, Joe Hamburger
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When is it the right time for a new ERP System?

It might not always be as obvious as people being frustrated all around you.   It might be simply the passing of time.

We all have seen how fast technology changes.  It seems like as soon as a new phone is released it is outdated.  Thankfully ERP systems are not that fast at change, but in the last couple of years many companies have shifted the language they are building these systems with.  Making them much more dynamic, faster, powerful, and more intuitive.  With this change it has made API integration easier and more fluid.  The system framework is more flexible, allowing for more opportunity to customize and tailor the system to your needs.   What would have taken 20 or 30 hours of programing, several weeks to test and debug, as well as several thousands of dollars to have done.   With many newer technology systems can be done at no cost, or just a few hours.

If you are using an older technology system and finding that maintenance time, costs, and upgrade costs continue to burn through IT budgets, it might be time to look at more modern and advanced ERP’s.

"Change will be driven by the limitations of your current system.   Growth will be impeded by the cost to improve, and the cost to maintain.   Antiquated framework or technology will drive the need for conversion to something new."

Time for a Change
OYBI, Joe Hamburger September 13, 2022
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