A Vison Of The Future
What does your company's future look like?

What is Your Planning Process?
- Do you have a formalized process you follow?
- Who is involved in casting a vision for the future?
- Do you have specific metrics you use?
- Does your planning cover anything other than sales/revenue growth or cost control?
- Does it cover more than budget planning?
OYBI Strategic Planning
Key steps to successful goal setting and achievement.
Understand team strengths and weaknesses, capacity, reliability of tools and machinery, validation of suppliers, and supply chain stability. Do you have the tools currently to achieve the goal? If you don't can they be acquired?
Is it achievable? Is it realistic? Do trends support the vision? Getting the Grand Vision to a point where people believe it is attainable is critical to organization success. An organization who can't see the path to success, won't even start the journey.
Establish your goals, milestones, and identifiers for success. Break these goals into smaller, more defined goals with steps and measurables to achieve. When the whole vision is broken into its core components the reality of its achievement is able to be seen by all.
You take these milestones and set them to goals, tasks, and measurables. Like mile markers on a road. This map will help you know where you are, what you need to do, and how far you need to go.
Having the right people in the right spot is a key element to successfully achieving short-term and long-term goals. Evaluate your team and empower them for the tasks. Be sure to give them the tools they need and systems to drive success.
Trackability to success. Measurement of your path. These are critical to ensuring you are moving towards your goals. Understanding trends is a critical part of that. Choosing metrics that matter is the other key factor. Be sure to have a good handle on trend, pace, actions, and targets for your key metrics.
Want to see how OYBI Can Help?
Contact us about a personalized strategic planning support program.
Our Process
People, Passion, Performance
A strong strategic plan creates a more agile organization, reduces resistance to change, and promotes adaptability.
The plan creates clarity of mission and purpose for each employee. Directives have an understanding of why, and deadlines have a purpose that is clear and understood.
Promotes trackability, empowers accountability, and creates a sense of urgency and organizational connection.
Drives Results
Knowledge, Vision, Success
Celebrate Wins and Losses. Analyze and learn from both. Nothing is Wasted.
With the right team nothing is impossible. A team aligned, focused, and driven towards a goal will achieve that goal.
The process is designed to bring out higher levels of performance in your teams, systems, and processes, all to remove obstacles and create a smooth path to run on.